God Hath Spoken by the Prophets
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God Hath Spoken by the Prophets (.midi)
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God Hath Spoken by the Prophets Bells Version (.mp3)
1. God has spoken by the prophets, Spoken the unchanging Word; Each from age to age proclaiming God the One, the righteous Lord! 'Mid the world's despair and turmoil One firm anchor holding fast: God eternal reigns forever, God the first and God the last.
2. God has spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ, the everlasting Son, Brightness of the Father's glory, With the Father ever one; Spoken by the Word incarnate, God of God ere time was born; Light of light, to earth descending, Christ as God in human form.
3. God is speaking by the Spirit, Speaking to our hearts again, In the age-long word declaring God's own message, now as then. Through the rise and fall of nations One sure faith is standing fast: God abides, the Word unchanging, God the first and God the last. The words to this hymn are under copyright. If you wish to print, copy, cut/paste or duplicate them, you must obtain permission from Hope Publishing Company (800-323-1049).
Words by: George W. Briggs
Music by: Thomas J. Williams
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