Traditional Hymns

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join

Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join

Listen to:
  Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join (.midi)
  Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join (.mp3)
  Come, and Let Us Sweetly Join Bells Version (.mp3)

1. Come, and let us sweetly join, Christ to praise in hymns divine; give we all with one accord glory to our common Lord.

2. Hands and hearts and voices raise, sing as in the ancient days; antedate the joys above, celebrate the feast of love.

3. Jesus, dear expected Guest, thou art bidden to the feast; for thyself our hearts prepare; come, and sit, and banquet there.

4. Sanctify us, Lord, and bless, breathe thy Spirit, give thy peace; thou thyself within us move, make our feast a feast of love.